Alternative Fuel Solution

Market Analysis On RDF From Waste-Vancouver – Canada

Market Analysis waste-Vancouver

Executive Summary

The Zero Waste 2040 Strategic Plan provides a vision to make Vancouver a zero waste community by 2040, a community which supports sustainable resource use, a healthy economy, affordability, vibrant and inclusive neighborhoods, and equal opportunity through the elimination of solid waste. City of Vancouver adopted the Zero Waste 20240 Strategic Plan in 2018. This strategic plan calls for more diversion, recycling and reuse strategies to reduce waste disposed to landfill and incinerator. Although, significant efforts are being made towards reduction and diversions of different fractions of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) such as organic waste through Green Bin program, recyclables through Blue Bin program, there is still a substantial fraction of Residual Waste, which is being disposed to the Vancouver Landfill (VLF). Furthermore, VLF is set to close by 2037, three years before the Zero Waste 2040 target. This paves the way to explore opportunities of energy recovery from Residual Waste in the form of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). This report includes a literature review on RDF and a market analysis of various industries in British Columbia where RDF can be used as an alternative fuel.

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